It can creep up on all of us before we know it. Yes, I’m talking about under eye wrinkles and crow’s feet that can even begin to form in our late 20s. Surprised? Well, if you often express yourself with your face, then your eyes are working overtime. Thankfully your new best friend may be found in a product like Botox®.
You may have already started seeing those tiny fine lines and wrinkles become deeper as the years pass. Are you wondering if there is a way to stop this process or at least slow it? Read on to get the skinny on how Botox® can be used for crows feet and more, and why you should make this treatment part of your skin care routine.
The number one reason that Botox® can be used to treat the skin at the corners and under the eyes is that it can be injected safely around the entire periorbital areas. While only approved for the lateral muscles, it has been shown to be effective under the eye as well. One side effect is that it could cause some temporary minor swelling of the lower lid.
You may be asking, why under the eye? The reason may surprise you, but it makes total sense because the under eye area has thinner skin, dark circles and tiny blood vessels as compared to other areas of the face. These factors can cause you to develop wrinkling under and around the eye more quickly. Since the lateral eye muscle circles the entire eye, only treating for crow’s feet on the perimeter may not completely correct your concerns. By treating the entire muscle, your Botox® injections have a chance to work longer and more effectively.
If you are considering treating both “crows feet” and “under the eye” area, it’s best to consult a board certified trained professional or aesthetician to determine if this is right for you.

How Long Has Botox® Been Used To Treat Patients?
Botox® has come along way since it was first approval by the FDA in 1989 to treat a variety of eye symptoms including strabismus, hemifacial spasms and blepharospasm. According to a study in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, “The use of botulinum toxins has revolutionized the treatment of various ophthalmic spastic disorders, facial dystonia and periocular wrinkles.
Today, Botox® is legendary for its ability to “freeze” faces and counter the wrinkling that comes with age. Facial treatments that include dermal fillers and Botox® have even been labeled the “liquid facelift”. Patients’ non-surgical choices for cosmetic treatments are now widely accepted and even preferred over surgical options by many.
Top Areas Botox® Can Be Injected:
- Lip lines
- Forehead wrinkles
- Glabellar lines between eyebrows
- Chin wrinkles
- Cheek lines
- Frown lines
- Brow lift
- Platysmail bands (wrinkles) on neck
- Wrinkling and dents in the chin (Mentalis Dysfunction)
- Excessive sweating (underarms, palms of hands)
How Does Botox® Work And How Long Does It Last?
As a neurotoxin, once injected, Botox® starts to work by blocking certain chemicals released to your targeted muscles and disables their ability to contract. It takes full effect in about 3-4 days. What’s even better, the improvement is almost immediate. As the process reaches its maximum outcome, Botox® maintains the prevention of your muscle movement and relaxation for up to 3 -4 months. Over time and with repeated treatments it can even slow the wrinkling of your skin.
For a full review of Botox® Cosmetic, indications for treatment, safety information and side effects, you can visit

Why Do I Get Wrinkles?
Let’s face it, time is not on your side! The body’s aging process, loss of hormones and use of facial muscles all can cause wrinkling. Contributing to this process is a breakdown of collagen fibers supporting your facial structures. According to The Cleveland Clinic, “Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It accounts for about 30% of its total protein. Collagen is the primary building block of your body’s skin, muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments and other connective tissues.
Collagen is made up of fibrous networks of protein and tissue located under your skin. As it begins to wear down, wrinkling and sagging become more pronounced. When this occurs, wrinkles can be attacked with Botox®, other neuromodulators, topical neuromodulators like Revision’ s Revox Line Reducer, and RF Micro-needling for wrinkles and sagging.
But these are not the only products and treatments that can help. Dermal Fillers also do wonders as a combination treatment to plump sagging skin and to make those wrinkles appear less severe. One can never really substitute for the other. Both are your winning combination!
Other environmental, medical and behavioral factors can lead to wrinkles, fine lines, dry skin and large pores.
Some of these include:
- Smoking
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Sleeplessness
- Lack of sunscreen
- Hormone loss
- Cancer treatments and surgery
Can Anything Prevent Under Eye Wrinkles?
To make the most of your treatments as well as to delay wrinkles forming, there are preventative and complementary products and actions you can take. Eating healthy is an important factor that is sometimes overlooked. According to The Cleveland Clinic, “Your body also needs the proper amount of vitamin C, zinc, copper and manganese to make the triple helix…”that is found in collagen.
- Sunscreen with SPF
- Retinol
- Under the eye moisturizers
- Hydration Masks
- Healthy diets
Seek An Experienced Provider
When you are choosing your doctor or provider for cosmetic treatments, it’s so important to know their expertise and trust their services. Finding a good injector in The Woodlands and Spring, Texas may be easy, but locating a great injector is a “best friend for life!”
Call today to schedule your Botox® appointment today!